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What to expect on your June bill

By Nicholas Sakelaris | June 5, 2024

Despite heavy rains, May 2024 was warmer than the same month last year, meaning CoServ Members should expect slightly higher electricity usage.

North Texas received nearly 8 inches of rain in May, three inches above normal. But that couldn’t wash away the heat. The high temperature reached 90 degrees or higher on 12 days last month, and there were also a dozen nights when it was 70 degrees or higher.

According to Cooling Degree Days, air conditioner use in May increased by 14% from the same month last year and 149% from April of this year.

April 2024 May 2024 Difference
Average Temperature 68.7 77.3 8.6 degrees warmer
Cooling Degree Days 102 386 + 149% more AC use


Utilities and the federal government measure the impact of weather on energy usage by calculating Cooling Degree Days (CDD) and Heating Degree Days (HDD). To calculate the CDD, take the average temperature for a day and subtract it from 65. The higher the number, the more air conditioning will be needed to keep your home comfortable. Click here to learn more about Degree Days.

While usage may increase, CoServ Members can count on our electricity rate to remain low and competitive. For the fourth month in a row, CoServ kept its Standard residential rate the same. For more on electricity rates, visit
