How is the Distributed Generation (DG) with Buyback bill calculated?

Are you a CoServ Member with solar panels? This article will explain how your bill is calculated.

CoServ’s Distributed Generation (DG) with Buyback rate allows CoServ Members to earn credit for ALL the excess electricity they send back to the grid.

Here’s an example:

A CoServ Member’s solar panels generate 400 kilowatt-hours of excess electricity during a billing period. That appears as REC on your bill.

Please note that the solar energy your home produces is consumed by your house first. CoServ’s meter only measures what the house didn’t use. The total amount of solar power produced and shown on your inverter or dashboard will be higher than the amount CoServ Received.

In that same billing period, the Member purchases 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity from CoServ for use at night, when solar panels aren’t producing, or to provide power to the home when the electricity demand exceeds the amount provided by the solar panels. This appears as DEL on your bill.

CoServ will then use these rates to calculate your bill:

March 2025

Energy Charge

PLUS the SCRF+$0.0049
=$0.1223 per kWh

REC kWh x –$0.0775 = Received Energy Payment

Delivered x Energy Charge = Delivered Cost

Received x Avoided Wholesale Cost = Received (Credit)

Then, take the two and subtract them.

Delivered Cost – Received (Credit) = Amount Billed

Here’s an example based on the February 2025 rate factors:

DEL: 1,000 kWh x $0.1223 per kWh = $122.30

REC: 400 kWh x $0.0783 = $31.32 (credit)

BILLED AMOUNT: $122.30 - $31.32 = $90.98

NOTE: The above example was calculated using the February 2025 rate.

My dashboard doesn't match my bill

Modern solar installations track solar production through an app or dashboard. This is helpful for CoServ Members to know how much energy they produce on a given day. It's important to note that solar energy goes to powering your home's needs first. That's why the data from your solar inverter will be different than what's on your CoServ bill. This video below helps explain where the power goes and what CoServ measures at the electric meter.

Billing terms and definitions: