CoServ teams up with social service agencies to provide heaters and blankets to North Texas families

For thousands of North Texans, finding warmth on a cold winter night can be challenging, even in their own homes.
It could be a lack of insulation, a broken heater, or one that can't reach all parts of the home, or the individual could be going through financial hardships. Whatever the case, when a cold front hits, it’s not just uncomfortable, it can be dangerous or even deadly – especially for seniors.
Each year, the CoServ Charitable Foundation (CCF) donates hundreds of space heaters and blankets for social service agencies to distribute to clients. This winter, CCF delivered 250 space heaters and 162 blankets in the first week of November so the agencies would be ready before the first cold front.
Frisco Family Services (FSS) requested 100 heaters and 100 blankets to meet the anticipated demand from clients within the Frisco area this winter.
“What you guys are providing is truly keeping people warm, comfortable and protected for the winter,” said Tripp Jackson, Development Officer with Frisco Family Services. “Otherwise, many of them wouldn’t have anything.”
Janet Smith, Director of Income Support for All Community Outreach (ACO) in Allen, said donations like this uplift the community and build a more resilient future for our community.
“We’re deeply grateful for the donation of heaters and blankets, which will help families in our community stay safe and warm this winter,” Janet said.
Judy Fullylove, Energy Services Director for the Texoma Council of Governments (TCOG), said many of their clients are senior citizens on a fixed income. Rather than scraping pennies to buy a space heater, TCOG provides them for free whenever a client expresses concern about the cold.
“Sometimes our senior citizens don’t have heat all over their house, or their heater may have fallen into disrepair, or a room isn’t properly insulated,” Judy said. “When someone is in an emergency situation, a space heater can be a good solution.”
"This annual tradition is a cornerstone for CoServ, allowing us to make a profound difference for our neighbors in need,” said Glen Squibb, Director of Community Engagement at CoServ. “Our work would not be possible without the incredible partnerships we’ve built with social service agencies across North Texas, whose dedication to helping people every day inspires us all."