CoServ Charitable Foundation (CCF)
The CoServ Charitable Foundation awarded a grant to the nonprofit to help pay for new bedding for survivors of domestic violence.
The items donated by CoServ Employees will be distributed to CAC's Christmas list, which has more than 450 names.
As this Year in Review will show, 2024 was the year many of our past strategic investments came to fruition.
“The Mobile Clubhouse became a beacon for the children we want to reach," said John Rosales, an executive with the Boys & Girls Club.
Children of all abilities and talents gather to play a game where everyone bats, everyone scores and everyone wins.
Curtis Tally wakes up every Wednesday knowing there are about a dozen residents awaiting a hot meal from Metroport Meals on Wheels.
City representatives were on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony at Our Daily Bread's new 34,000-square-foot facility in Denton.